mission driven

I’ve spent the period since rugby retirement prevaricating over what to do with myself.

Having tried out some different roles in various businesses, a bike suspension business, a project management role with a hotel, digital marketing agency work etc etc, I’ve settled on freelance writing.

Even this took me some time to get too. After picking up some of this work during my other roles, incorporating a bit of no code web development, I found a job role that I actually liked the sound of.

It was with a career change startup, taking prospective career changers away for months at a time, putting them through an on and offline program to help them either start their own business or become a premium freelancer, someone with a high value digital skill. These people would then be able to work remotely.

I didn't get the role but we will potentially work together down the road in a. freelance capacity. The fact is though, that this was the last throw of the dice in terms of someone solving my employment problem for me. I’d have to figure it out for myself.

I’m basically doing what I was doing before but with more on my plate. Bigger and a better clients, all of whom have a mission.

One guy does impossible things and helps others to redefine what impossible is for them. Another company is creating sustainable homes. Another is creating a new category in the leisure industry, making inspirational spaces for people to spend their big life moments. One business is building a new way for people to invest their money while others are coaching people to improve themselves.

Basically what i’m saying is that it’s inspiring to work with people who have a raisin d’être - that’s why I was excited about the startup role. Not only did I have some skin in the game in terms of a shared interest in the work, they had an overall mission that you could see they really believed in.

I’m still developing my own mission, still figuring out exactly what it is. For the meantime, I’m interacting with driven people and feeding off their enthusiasm, learning skills as I go. When I figure mine out, I’ll be ready to get after it.

If you’ve got a mission, if you feel like these people do, then give me a shout. I’m helping them express themselves better through what they say and how they say it. I’ll do it for you too.

Ben Mercer