athlete identity @ Manchester United

Ben delivered a session at MUFC about identity and developing interests outside of sport. It was delivered brilliantly, so the players were all engaged and gave the topics some serious thought. Benโ€™s story is unique and his ability to inspire the next generation of athletes is clear. We look forward to working with him again.
— Dr Chris McCready - Player Care @ Manchester United

I gave 2 back to back workshops to the young players at Manchester United.

I was really impressed with the players. They had a great attitude in engaging with the material and made for self-aware and fun company. They were all convinced of the importance of diversifying their identities beyond football and were developing ways to do so.

We opened with stereotypes around rugby players, spoke a bit about my move from professional sport into books and then discussed footballing equivalents. Then we explored their own interests and potential ways they could explore them further.

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WorkBen Mercerworkshop